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PreTox 7000 Paint Stripper is an environmentally advanced multi-functional chemical paint stripper designed to remove multiple layers of lead-based paint with one application. PreTox 7000 Paint Stripper renders lead-based paint non-hazardous for disposal. Environmentally advanced in design, this stripper contains NO methylene chloride or caustics, is non-flammable, water rinseable and requires no neutralization.


PreTox 7000 Paint Stripper can be applied by brush, roller, trowel, putty knife or mechanical spray equipment. Industrial/commercial grade airless spray equipment capable of 1 gpm or greater is recommended. When using such equipment, use a .045 tip or larger and remove all filters.


  • Mix thoroughly (Power drill and mixing bar are preferred).
  • Apply to substrate.
  • Allow to dwell.
  • Observe and test to determine removal time.
  • Remove.
  • Sample waste as per federal and local regulation (for assistance, call NexTec at 800-338-8296).
  • Dispose of debris.


Safety goggles and butyl rubber or neoprene gloves are recommended. Maintain adequate ventilation in confined areas. If misting is expected use NIOSH approved organic vapor chemical cartridge respirator. See MSDS for complete health and safety information.


Thinning is not required or recommended. No neutralization required. Clean up with water.


  • No Methylene Chloride, Non Caustic
  • Biodegradable, water rinseable
  • Non-flammable
  • Spread rate: 1,000 to 3,000 sq.ft/hr depending on substrate and equipment.
  • Coverage 55 to 75 sq.ft/gal depending on paint and substrate. Average coverage for typical substrates is 55 sq.ft/gal.
  • Flashpoint = >200º F


  • Residential Housing
  • Commercial Renovations
  • Brick/Masonry
  • Historic Restorations
  • Remodeling
  • Steel Structures
  • Wood


  • Hand Scraping
  • Water Blasting

To the best of our knowledge the technical data herein are true and accurate at the date of issuance and are subject to change without prior notice. No guarantee of accuracy is given or implied. Manufacturer warrants that the Products are free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and proper storage. Manufacturer’s obligation under this warranty shall be limited to the replacement of any product that may be defective within one year from the date of shipment to the original purchaser, and which Manufacturer’s examination discloses to Manufacturer’s satisfaction to be defective or at the Manufacturer’s option, to refund Distributor in an amount equal to the purchase price paid by Distributor. THIS WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR USE, AND OF ALL OTHER OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES ON MANUFACTURER’S PART, AND MANUFACTURER NEITHER ASSUMES, NOR AUTHORIZES ANY OTHER PERSON TO ASSUME FOR MANUFACTURER, ANY OTHER LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF THIS PRODUCT. THIS WARRANTY SHALL NOT APPLY TO PRODUCTS OR ANY PART THEREOF WHICH HAS BEEN SUBJECT TO FREEZING, EXCESSIVE HEAT, DILUTION, IMPROPER MIXING, IMPROPER STORAGE, OR IMPROPER APPLICATION